Switching energy. Sharing experiences. Enjoying for a while. Reach others elite. 2022-12-30

Last workday of the year.
Last bit of effort.
Last coaching of that year too.

It all seemed so distant, and now its tomorrow and I broke my heights.

I keep switching between being at peace and relaxed, and being pushy to me and strict.

It is hand to find a balance, but, guess what - my life will be ok in any way. 

Read books, write my philosophies, share experiences. 

I have a lot of people to share it with now. 

I may certainly fall back to just enjoying what I have for some time. 

Will it make me push better after a while? 

Probably yeah, it just may take a couple of years. 

Which is not bad by itself, I just want it faster. 

Would I be willing to put in immense effort?

For now I'm not sure. But in some weeks, months - definitely. 

I would want to reach others' level. 

I get to be among winners all my life from now on


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