Grateful and In love with life. Asking for help. World is beautiful. 2022-12-27

Thank you for everything and everyone I have in my life. 

I am so deeply grateful for it. 

I love how my days look like. 

I love what I get to experience and be happy about. 

I love for my breakdowns and low moments to exist. 

I love that I have the opportunity to learn. 

I love that I get to share it too, that I can write and record and make life of someone and the world slightly better. 

Thank you!

Last week taught me a lot. 

I got to see my ups and downs, I got to listen to myself. 

I got to become more peaceful and loving. I got to ask for help of others, in different ways, from throwing tantrums to asking directly and saying how I need that. 

I got to see that the world (ZA WARUDO, couldn't resist, haha), wants me to be happy. 

There is always something for me there. 

It is beautiful. I love it all. 

I want to love it.


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