Relaxation is important. Do What I Want. Bare minimum. Starting tasks. 2022-12-10

I am more at peace. I took control of the situation.

Still feel drained tho - the lack of lime-off and so many stressful moments show up. 

I will make there weekend days really fucking relaxed. I need to unwind. 

I will meat with my friend, she can help me go through and regain some energy. 

But I won't push myself part the bare minimum - it will be enough. I will do whatever I want, play some games and just be by myself. 

I fucking deserved it.

This journal in some way causes me aversion when I think of starting. 

It is same with other goals too. 

I like it in the process - but start is a different thing. I need to pay more attention there - it's a lesson to be learned.

What would be good for me? 

I usually use this phrase to see where it is better to push myself, even if i don't really want it.

Will that action give me something good? Enrich my life? 

It helps. 

But sometimes, the good longterm thing is to just do whatever you want in the moment. It takes away all this pressure and allows to relax and enjoy life. 

Even if this action is a regress in the now - it will give its benefits in the long run. 

It is a sacrifice for a greater good. 

Relaxation IS important.


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