It's not the right time. 2022-11-26

It's not the right time.

I made this excuse before enrolling in coaching. 

I thought everything needs to be perfect, for stars to align before I will be able to do that. 

All the times in my life when I thought like that, I've been proven wrong.

I would say that ever the best time can turn into mediocre, or may never come, more likely.

And the worst usually becomes best just from having really low expectations and showing up. 

I had so much success with this coaching in just 3 weeks. 

I had epiphanies in the first week. And that is what happens if we just allow it.  

I believe I am very lucky. Always has been. It makes it hard to see all I do as personal actionment. Ego... 

But do I need to see it like that, or do I want results? 

If I found people that gave me success, that still means I made effort to connect with them. 

I facilitated the opportunity

It is my doing. Everything that happens is my choice - I didn't run away. I stayed and allowed myself a success.


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